Thursday, September 16, 2010

Creepy Analytics

Google, although known for their brilliant user interfaces and flexible functionality, really screwed up where Google Analytics is concerned. Here is the problem: It's just not creepy enough.
So you're browsing your analytics data and you notice that you have a new hit from New York. "Hmm" you wonder, "could that be that cute guy I met at the bar last night and mentioned he was going to Manhattan, or some random person who liked one of my Twitter posts?" You click down to see which particular borough this hit came from, but no dice.
Well, okay, what at what *time* did this person come to my site? Perhaps that could help rule out a few things. Again, Google is reluctant to give you any more data to fulfill your stalking needs.

This is would be SO EASY to fix! The solution: Creepy Analytics(tm). I'm going to write some Javascript and PHP. I'll be back later.